Our Vision, Ethos and Values

'A happy school where we all have the opportunity and encouragement to achieve our fullest potential'


We are a school that sees diversity as an asset and we aim to treat pupils, teachers, parents and families with respect and fairness. Fundamental to this is our motto:

Everyone is different. Everyone is equal. Everyone is welcome.


We teach the children that their 'character' defines who they are. We promote this in all realms of our curriculum, through PSHE, RE and Wellbeing right through to discussing morals in stories, decisions based on those morals, characterisation within stories or other texts and empathy. We model this every day and when electing ambassadors for school, the children select the best people for the job based on their character. The children are taught that character can be changed and that the reasons for doing so are positive ones.

We reward children for displaying our school values and manners through our 'Caught being good' reward system.  

We emanate a welcoming, friendly, caring and supportive environment which provides a broad and balanced curriculum and a wealth of enriching opportunities.  We work as a team to provide the physical, social and intellectual conditions pertinent to promoting independent learners and positive interactions, where everyone feels safe, valued and respected.

The Equality Act 2010 reinforces our well-established belief that schools cannot and should not discriminate on the grounds of sex, race, disability, religion or belief or sexual orientation.

The Equality Act introduced a Public Sector Equality Duty (PSED). This has 3 main elements which form the cornerstone of all that we do and we relentlessly aspire to:

  • eliminate discrimination, harassment and victimisation;
  • advance equality of opportunity;
  • foster good relations.

We welcome all our children, families and visitors to help us make equal opportunities for all a reality.



The 'Equality Act 2010 and schools' can be found here:



 Our School Values are Care, Resilience, Understanding, Respect, Honesty and Justice. These link in with our whole school motto of everyone being welcomed and feeling valued.

Music Mark
Music Mark
Eco Schools
Eco Schools
Arts Council Gold
Arts Council Gold
Wellbeing for Schools
Wellbeing for Schools
Early Years Quality Mark
Early Years Quality Mark
Quality Mark
Quality Mark
UNICEF Rights Respectin Gold Award
UNICEF Rights Respectin Gold Award
Stonewall Champions
Stonewall Champions
Music Mark
Music Mark
Eco Schools
Eco Schools
Arts Council Gold
Arts Council Gold
Wellbeing for Schools
Wellbeing for Schools
Early Years Quality Mark
Early Years Quality Mark
Quality Mark
Quality Mark

Our Vision, Ethos and Values

'A happy school where we all have the opportunity and encouragement to achieve our fullest potential'


We are a school that sees diversity as an asset and we aim to treat pupils, teachers, parents and families with respect and fairness. Fundamental to this is our motto:

Everyone is different. Everyone is equal. Everyone is welcome.


We teach the children that their 'character' defines who they are. We promote this in all realms of our curriculum, through PSHE, RE and Wellbeing right through to discussing morals in stories, decisions based on those morals, characterisation within stories or other texts and empathy. We model this every day and when electing ambassadors for school, the children select the best people for the job based on their character. The children are taught that character can be changed and that the reasons for doing so are positive ones.

We reward children for displaying our school values and manners through our 'Caught being good' reward system.  

We emanate a welcoming, friendly, caring and supportive environment which provides a broad and balanced curriculum and a wealth of enriching opportunities.  We work as a team to provide the physical, social and intellectual conditions pertinent to promoting independent learners and positive interactions, where everyone feels safe, valued and respected.

The Equality Act 2010 reinforces our well-established belief that schools cannot and should not discriminate on the grounds of sex, race, disability, religion or belief or sexual orientation.

The Equality Act introduced a Public Sector Equality Duty (PSED). This has 3 main elements which form the cornerstone of all that we do and we relentlessly aspire to:

  • eliminate discrimination, harassment and victimisation;
  • advance equality of opportunity;
  • foster good relations.

We welcome all our children, families and visitors to help us make equal opportunities for all a reality.



The 'Equality Act 2010 and schools' can be found here:



 Our School Values are Care, Resilience, Understanding, Respect, Honesty and Justice. These link in with our whole school motto of everyone being welcomed and feeling valued.

Music Mark
Music Mark
Eco Schools
Eco Schools
Arts Council Gold
Arts Council Gold
Wellbeing for Schools
Wellbeing for Schools
Early Years Quality Mark
Early Years Quality Mark
Quality Mark
Quality Mark
UNICEF Rights Respectin Gold Award
UNICEF Rights Respectin Gold Award
Stonewall Champions
Stonewall Champions
Music Mark
Music Mark
Eco Schools
Eco Schools
Arts Council Gold
Arts Council Gold
Wellbeing for Schools
Wellbeing for Schools
Early Years Quality Mark
Early Years Quality Mark
Quality Mark
Quality Mark