Key Information
Here you will find all sorts of key information about our school.
We listen to the views of others to help support and drive our school forwards. Visitors, parents, staff and pupil voices are captured to inform our policies and procedures.
How do we do this with pupils?
School Council
Each year, two children from each class are elected to sit on the School Council as representatives for their class. We have lots of other ambassadors in school for ecology (Eco), Children's Rights and well-being. Representatives of these groups also sit on our School Council.
Each half term our School Council meet to discuss various aspects of school, our community and the world around us. School Council discuss aspects of safeguarding, well-being, support, resources, school menus....some of these are planned for by our School Council Lead - Ms Rasool - but often the discussion points are decided by the children according to what is pertinent to them.
The School Councillors feedback to Ms Ward, our Headteacher. Ms Ward will decide what actions will be taken and the councillors feedback to their classes.
This has worked wonderfully for years to help us shape and develop school, influence fund raising opportunities, school trips, menus, playground equipment, after school clubs and much more.
Pupil Voice
Each half term, our subject leads and other staff members meet with randomly selected volunteers from each class. This is to capture their thoughts, feelings and responses to specific areas of school such as subject areas, SEND. Subject Leaders use these sessions to specifically find out what children know and remember about their subject areas, what children think could improve and also what they would like to see more, or less of. This helps to continually shape our curriculum.