Below are our school criteria, followed by nursery criteria. Please call our office if you need any help with this information.
School Admission Criteria for September 2024
School name |
Acocks Green Primary School |
School address |
Westley Road, Acocks Green, Birmingham, B27 7UQ |
Headteacher |
Mrs Sarah Ward |
Tel no: |
Admission Number |
60 |
Criteria |
1. Looked after or previously looked after children. |
2. Children with a brother or a sister already at the academy (not Nursery) who will still be in attendance in September 2024. |
3. Children who live nearest the academy |
Within each of these categories, priority is given to those who live nearest the academy, calculated on the basis of a straight-line measurement between home and academy. |
Children with a statement of special educational needs
Any child with an EHCP is required to be admitted to the academy that is named in the plan. This gives such children overall priority for admission to the named academy. This is not an oversubscription criterion. |
Looked after or previously looked after children |
A 'looked after child' or a child who was previously looked after but immediately after being looked after became subject to an adoption, child arrangement order or special guardianship order. A looked after child is a child who is (a) in the care of a local authority, or (b) being provided with accommodation by a local authority in the exercise of their social services functions (see the definition in Section 22(1) of the Children Act 1989). In the case of previously looked after children, admission authorities may request a copy of the adoption order, residence order or special guardianship order and a letter from the local authority that last looked after the child confirming that he or she was looked after immediately prior to that order being made. |
Sibling |
Siblings (brothers or sisters) are considered to be those children who live at the same address and either:
i. have one or both natural parents in common; or ii. are related by a parent’s marriage; or iii. are adopted or fostered by a common parent.
Children not adopted or fostered or related by a parent’s marriage or with one natural parent in common, who are brought together as a family by a same sex civil partnership and who are living at the same address, are also considered to be siblings. |
Distance |
Distances are calculated on the basis of a straight-line measurement between the applicant’s home address and the main entrance-Westley Road. The Local Authority uses a computerised system, which measures all distances in metres. Ordnance Survey supply the co-ordinates that are used to plot an applicant’s home address and the address of the academy. |
Shared Responsibility |
Where parents have shared responsibility for a child, and the child lives with both parents for part of the week, then the main residence will be determined as the address where the child lives the majority of the week. Parents may be requested to supply documentary evidence to support the address used. |
Final Qualifier |
In a very small number of cases it may not be possible to decide between the applications of those pupils who are the final qualifiers for a place, when applying the published admission criteria.
For example, this may occur when children in the same year group live at the same address, or if the distance between the home and academy is exactly the same, for example, blocks of flats. If there is no other way of separating the application according to the admissions criteria and to admit both or all of the children would cause the Published Admission Number for the child’s year group to be exceeded, the Local Authority will use a computerised system to randomly select the child to be offered the final place.
In the event of this occurring with twins or other multiple birth applicants, academies will be asked to admit over their Published Admission Number to accommodate the pupils. |
Waiting Lists |
Waiting lists will not be fixed following the offer of places. They are subject to change. This means that a child’s waiting list position during the year could go up or down. Any applicants will be added to the academy’s list in accordance with the order of priority for offering places. Waiting lists will be maintained until the end of each academic year. |
Appeals |
Appeals are administered by the Local Authority for this Academy. Parents who wish to appeal against the decision to refuse their child admission should contact the School Admissions and Pupil Placements Service on 0121 303 1888 to request an appeal form. Appeals will be heard by an independent panel. |
In Year Applications |
Applications made outside the normal admissions round (in-year admissions) should be made directly to the academy. Parents/carers can apply for a place for their child at any time and to any academy. On receipt of an in-year application, the academy will notify the local authority of both the application and its outcome, to allow the local authority to keep up to date with figures on the availability of academy places in Birmingham. |
** No supplementary information form is used at Acocks Green Primary School.
Nursery Admission Criteria
Below are our school criteria, followed by nursery criteria. Please call our office if you need any help with this information.
School Admission Criteria for September 2024
School name |
Acocks Green Primary School |
School address |
Westley Road, Acocks Green, Birmingham, B27 7UQ |
Headteacher |
Mrs Sarah Ward |
Tel no: |
Admission Number |
60 |
Criteria |
1. Looked after or previously looked after children. |
2. Children with a brother or a sister already at the academy (not Nursery) who will still be in attendance in September 2024. |
3. Children who live nearest the academy |
Within each of these categories, priority is given to those who live nearest the academy, calculated on the basis of a straight-line measurement between home and academy. |
Children with a statement of special educational needs
Any child with an EHCP is required to be admitted to the academy that is named in the plan. This gives such children overall priority for admission to the named academy. This is not an oversubscription criterion. |
Looked after or previously looked after children |
A 'looked after child' or a child who was previously looked after but immediately after being looked after became subject to an adoption, child arrangement order or special guardianship order. A looked after child is a child who is (a) in the care of a local authority, or (b) being provided with accommodation by a local authority in the exercise of their social services functions (see the definition in Section 22(1) of the Children Act 1989). In the case of previously looked after children, admission authorities may request a copy of the adoption order, residence order or special guardianship order and a letter from the local authority that last looked after the child confirming that he or she was looked after immediately prior to that order being made. |
Sibling |
Siblings (brothers or sisters) are considered to be those children who live at the same address and either:
i. have one or both natural parents in common; or ii. are related by a parent’s marriage; or iii. are adopted or fostered by a common parent.
Children not adopted or fostered or related by a parent’s marriage or with one natural parent in common, who are brought together as a family by a same sex civil partnership and who are living at the same address, are also considered to be siblings. |
Distance |
Distances are calculated on the basis of a straight-line measurement between the applicant’s home address and the main entrance-Westley Road. The Local Authority uses a computerised system, which measures all distances in metres. Ordnance Survey supply the co-ordinates that are used to plot an applicant’s home address and the address of the academy. |
Shared Responsibility |
Where parents have shared responsibility for a child, and the child lives with both parents for part of the week, then the main residence will be determined as the address where the child lives the majority of the week. Parents may be requested to supply documentary evidence to support the address used. |
Final Qualifier |
In a very small number of cases it may not be possible to decide between the applications of those pupils who are the final qualifiers for a place, when applying the published admission criteria.
For example, this may occur when children in the same year group live at the same address, or if the distance between the home and academy is exactly the same, for example, blocks of flats. If there is no other way of separating the application according to the admissions criteria and to admit both or all of the children would cause the Published Admission Number for the child’s year group to be exceeded, the Local Authority will use a computerised system to randomly select the child to be offered the final place.
In the event of this occurring with twins or other multiple birth applicants, academies will be asked to admit over their Published Admission Number to accommodate the pupils. |
Waiting Lists |
Waiting lists will not be fixed following the offer of places. They are subject to change. This means that a child’s waiting list position during the year could go up or down. Any applicants will be added to the academy’s list in accordance with the order of priority for offering places. Waiting lists will be maintained until the end of each academic year. |
Appeals |
Appeals are administered by the Local Authority for this Academy. Parents who wish to appeal against the decision to refuse their child admission should contact the School Admissions and Pupil Placements Service on 0121 303 1888 to request an appeal form. Appeals will be heard by an independent panel. |
In Year Applications |
Applications made outside the normal admissions round (in-year admissions) should be made directly to the academy. Parents/carers can apply for a place for their child at any time and to any academy. On receipt of an in-year application, the academy will notify the local authority of both the application and its outcome, to allow the local authority to keep up to date with figures on the availability of academy places in Birmingham. |
** No supplementary information form is used at Acocks Green Primary School.
Nursery Admission Criteria